8 – 11 AUGUST
Tuesday 8th of August
Theme: PAST
Key Elements: Museum
09:00 – 10:00:
30 min: Introductions and welcoming to NDS Inauguration from Andreas Berg and Samuel Nyholm
30 min: Introductions and welcoming to the Skissernas Museum from Magnus Borgkvist Johansson, including a walk around the Museum.
10:00 – 13:00
Activities and workshops organised by The Art Academy of Latvia Riga: 
“Spiritualism Sessions”
We will get to know each other and the artworks of the Skissernas Museum. Letting what is seen and heard guide our hands, we will attempt to continue what was started and leave our own marks for the future.
By choosing one of the three drawing activities listed below, we will focus on the distinct ability of drawing to unveil the presence of a living individual through the depiction of lines made by hand.
1 – It started in the museum
(Group of 15 people)
Each person is given a blank plan notebook. 
On the first page, each person draws a work from the museum exhibition. The emphasis should be on a simplified, stylized representation without excessive details.
Participants pass their notebooks to the person on their left while simultaneously receiving a notebook from the person on their right. The next drawing in the received notebook will be a continuation of the previous drawing, either following a formal approach or developing a narrative based on personal interpretation.
Participants continue exchanging notebooks and contributing to the drawings until each notebook is filled completely. 
At the end of the activity, each participant receives a small memento containing a compilation of drawings created by different artists within the group.
2 – Lead and Follow
(Group 14 people in pairs)
Two people are connected by a one meter long stick with a soft pastel pencil attached to each end. One person, holding the stick with his/her right hand, will take on the role of drawer and leader, while the other person will follow along, leaving traces on the paper
3 – Collective Collection
(Group of 15 people)
Each participant scratches objects from the museum's future collection on a large piece of paper. These can be completely free-standing or linked to other participants' scratches. At the same time as they are scratching participants will be encouraged to change places around the paper. For the effect of scratching, any tool can be used that leaves traces on the paper.
At the end of the ‘Spiritual Session’ a soft brush coated in graphite powder will be used, the powder will gets caught in the scratches revealing a character of the lines and textures in all its glory.
13:00 – 14:00
14:00 – 17:00
Activities and workshops organised by The Estonian Academy of Art, Tallinn:
“Workout in the park”
In this workshop the participants are invited for a workout session that will unfold in the outdoor spaces around the Skissernas Museum. In groups we’ll explore the scenery as well as the history of drawing through exercises for the body and the mind, while strengthening muscles related to team-building, imagining, looking, drawing and storytelling.

Wednesday 9th of August
Key Elements: City Centre, people, and plants
10:00 – 13:00
Activities and workshops organised by Konstfack University of Arts and Crafts Stockholm together with Academie Gerrit Rietveld Amsterdam:
“Drawing Attention”
Drawings can indicate a physical or a future space or reveal one’s presence in a past space. Architectural ortography can be factual and objective depiction of volume and proportions, a dirty sketch and notes on a napkin can express dimensions of thought processes, rough concepts, characteristics, or open potentials.
This exercise is in two parts, the first is about observation, interrogation and rough recording of access points or portals in the town using given tools and proposed methods. We’ll interact with templates, rulers, found materials, frottaging and collaging, diagrams and language, conditions, and restrictions.
These observations and recordings will be brought back to the studio to be shared and discussed before part two where working in groups and at different frameworks we will draw portals for a new school. These portals might be rendered with questions in mind, what are the requirements for the students, staff, and administrators? What makes something accessible and inviting? How do we communicate care and potential, push, or pull? With materials, signs, decoration, traces, organic and designed? If a door would be a diagram, what conditions, frameworks, concepts, and volumes could it map and project? What makes someone just walk into a lecture?
13:00 – 14:00
14:00 – 17:00
Activities and workshops organised by HfK Bremen:           
“Lundscapes: Sketch & Stroll”
In this workshop, we try to purposefully observe Lund and our surrounding to get a true feeling of the city. We will do so by splitting into groups, each person equipped with a self-made leporello to fill. This practice has brought us much joy past semester, as we’re all illustration students looking for new and more liberated ways to improve our drawing. Sometimes it’s hard to draw what you see, not what you know. Everything that might appear as a restraint at first (standing while drawing or somebody else choosing the medium for you) will prove to loosen our own expectations and hopefully create some exciting errors. 
As we explore the city, we will pause at various locations to sketch scenes, objects, or hidden gems that catch our attention. Some given prompts will hopefully encourage everyone to observe their surroundings with a fresh perspective! Maybe you’ll only draw things that start with the letter “E”? Inanimate objects? Trash? Things that are scary? Things that make you laugh? 
To leave a visible mark in the city centre and to culminate our day of sketching, we’ll be coming together to create a joint, giant chalk drawing – to reflect, share and symbolize the collective experience.
18:00 – DINNER/Evening sessions:
Dinner: BBQ

Evening sessions: “Native Tongue Poetry”
Thursday 10th of of August
Key Elements: Planning NDS future, Building Exhibition
10:00 – 13:00
Activities and workshops organised by KHIO, Oslo:
The workshop consists of two parts, one verbal and one non-verbal. The day begins with drawing observations and continues with self-reflection. We start with some exercises that are part of the common basic education at KHiO, a legacy of the Bauhaus school. After the coffee break, the participants are divided into groups and asked to reflect on some basic questions about drawing. The questions aim to deepen the discussion about what drawing means to us.
13:00 – 14:00
14:00 – 17:00
Exhibition preparations

Friday 11th of August
Theme: Exhibition
10:00 – 17:00
Sketching the Future Exhibition open for the public
Finngatan 2, 223 62 Lund, Sweden